Hello this is Juliana

Full Stack Developer
Services Provided

Build Front, Back
& Mobile Projects

Front End

A front end developer that takes charge of taking data and code and using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that combining with differents libreries and framworks to render it client-side, creating websites and applications

Back End

Knowledge of DBMS technology as MySQL and MongoDB. Knowledge of web services or API integrations and good manage of version control tools, such a Git.


Mobile app development of writing software that works on a mobile device smartphones, tables, wearable, etc. But not only about coding a native, HTML5 or hybrid app, the strategic process of defining, designing, building and launching a successful mobile product.


Some of my awesome
stuffs here


LIRI is like iPhone's SIRI. However, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface.

Search Book App in React

MERN-Stack App created with React components, work with helper/util functions, and utilize React lifecycle methods to query and display books based on user searches. also it uses Node, Express and MongoDB so that users can save books to review or purchase later.


With the GIPHY API we created a dynamic web page that populates with gifs of the user's choice.

Train Timer

This app retrieves and manipulate information with Moment.js, providing up-to-date information about various trains, namely their arrival times and how many minutes remain until they arrive at their station.

Miss translator

Thinking of a fun way to interact with users, through a translation API and dictionary, in a group of 4, We decided to create an application that offers the service of text translations, but with an incorrect final translation making a funny experience for the end-user.


Front-end App built in React that renders different emojis images to the screen. Each emoji listens for click events. This game keeps track of the user's score. The user's score increments when clicking an emoji's image for the first time and the user's score is reset to 0 if they click the same emoji image more than once.


About me

Hi I'm Juliana. I'm a design thinking full-stack developer. I'm currently living in the Bay Area, but originally from Colombia. I'm an absolute geek and love geeking out on all things Front end and Back end.

I fell in love with web design a few years ago simply because it made my passion for solving problems come alive. Since then I have been hooked. My favorite development stack at the moment is React, JavaScript, Node, MongoDB, and MySQL.

Values I hold high are loyalty, reliability, authenticity and helping others achieve their success. Which is why I see projects through to the end and why I believe in not only creating beautiful software but also reliable and reflect the client's brand and that is easy to use so that it does not distract the a user experience.

Whether it’s creating servers in Node, connecting to MongoDB databases or designing unique user experiences per device whilst still maintaining a consistent brand experience I will bring your ideas to life..

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